Practice Team
Non-urgent advice: Doctors
- Dr David Inchley (m), Senior GP Partner
BMBS Nottingham 1994 DRCOG MRCGP
Interests in Chronic Kidney Disease, Minor Surgery and COPD. Dr Inchley is a GP trainer
- Dr David Sillitoe (m), GP Partner
MBchB Liverpool 2006 DRCOG DFSRH MRCGP
Interests in Diabetes. Dr Sillitoe is an Educational Supervisor for Medical Students and GP representative for our PCN.
- Dr Andrew Henton (m), GP Partner
Interests in Minor Surgery. Dr Henton is Pharmacy Lead.
- Dr Ashleigh Milner (f), Salaried GP
Non-urgent advice: Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP)
Advanced Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses who have done extra training and gained academic qualifacations to be able to examine, assess, make diagnoses, treat, prescribe and make referrals for patients who present with undiagnosed/undifferentiated problems.
- Bonnie Davies (f)
Non-urgent advice: Practice Nurses
Practice Nurses plan and provide medical and nursing care to patients who are suffering from chronic or acute phyiscal ill-health. They are involved in the management of many long term conditions including diabetes and asthma.
- Ruth Thacker (f)
Non-urgent advice: Nurse Associate
A Nurse Associate role bridges the gap between a Health Care Assistant and a Registered Nurse, taking on a number of clinical responsibilites from both roles whilst supporting the nursing team.
- Karen Edwards (f)
Non-urgent advice: Health Care Assistant (HCA)
Health Care Assistants are trained to undertake specific clinical procedures such as blood pressure and new patient checks, health promotion, phlebotomy, urinalysis and height and weight checks. Our HCA's also support during Minor Procedure clinics.
- Kayley Thomas (f)
Non-urgent advice: Clinical Pharmacists
Clinical Pharmacists work as part of our team to improve value and outcomes from medicine and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions and advice for those on multiple medications.
- Jenny Jones (f)
- Sam McGovern-Scott (m)
Non-urgent advice: Care Coordinator
Care Coordinators help to co-ordinate and navigate patient care, helping people access the right teams at the right time. They can also support people to become more active in their own health and care.
- Dawn Tunstall (f)
Non-urgent advice: Practice Management
- Matt Davies, Practice Manager
Matt is responsible for all non-clinical aspects of the business.
- Kathy Williams, Deputy Practice Manager
- Rebecca Dalby, Operations Manager
Non-urgent advice: Patient Services Team
- Jayne France, Patient Services Coordinator
Our Patient Services Team are fully trained and here to assist you in obtaining the highest quality of care possible. As well as answering incoming calls and dealing with reception desk queries, our Patient Services Team are busy processing prescriptions, hospital letters, registrations and more.
Non-urgent advice: GP Registrars and Students
We are a training practice and so will often have GP Registrar's at the practice. A GP Registrar is a qualified doctor who is undergoing further training to gain experience in General Practice.
We also host medical students who are in their third or fifth year of University to gain the qualifacations required to be a Doctor. Medical students will observe various clinics and also lead their own, under the close supervision of a GP. They do four week placements within GP practices to gain skills and knowledge.
Non-urgent advice: Locums
From time to time we may have GP locums working within the surgery. GP locums may be used to provide sufficient appointments at times when we are particularly busy or when one of our partners is absent from the surgery.